Domain Name related Rules
Think Technology Services provides 2nd Level Domain Registration, under .NGO|.ONG technical domain bundle. A .NGO|.ONG domain bundle is open for registrations to qualified Non-Governmental Organisations only.
Additional InformationThe domains .ngo and .ong will be offered as a technical bundle – registration of one automatically includes the other. A technical bundle is a set of two domain names in different TLDs, with identical second level labels which have shared parameters
Example: and will consist of a Technical bundle, and will conform to a shared set of parameters.
NOTE:There are seven criterias that are used to define an NGO or ONG organization for the purpose of validation:
Focused on acting in the public interest. Whether in support of education or health, the environment or human rights, members of the .ngo|.ong community work for the good of humankind and/or the preservation of the planet and do not promote discrimination or bigotry.
Non-profit making/non-profit focused entities. While many NGOs and ONGs engage in commercial activities or generate revenue in support of their missions, members of the .ngo|.ong community do not recognize profits or retain earnings.
Limited government influence. Recognizing that many .ngo|.ong organisations have important interactions with government, not least for reasons of funding (which may include receipt of some government funding in support of their programs,) members of the .ngo|.ong community decide their own policies, direct their own activities and are independent of direct government or political control.
Independent actors. Members of the .ngo|.ong community should not be political parties nor should be a part of any government. Participation in the work of|.ong is voluntary.
Active Organisations. Members of the .ngo|.ong community are actively pursuing their missions on a regular basis.
Structured. Members of the .ngo|.ong community, whether large or small, operate in a structured manner (e.g., under bylaws, codes of conduct, organizational standards, or other governance structures.)
Lawful. Members of the .ngo|.ong community act with integrity within the bounds of law.
Domain Theft Protection feature is supported for .NGO|.ONG domain bundle.
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For Resellers: Both Lock and Suspension features are supported for .NGO|.ONG domain bundle.
However, Bulk Lock / Unlock and Bulk Suspend / Unsuspend features are not supported for .NGO|.ONG domain bundle.
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Move (push) feature is currently not supported for .NGO|.ONG domain bundle.
If for any reason you need to Delete your domain name bundle, contact our Support Team at
- Upon deletion, a .NGO|.ONG domain bundle enters Redemption Grace Period.
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Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)
A .NGO|.ONG domain bundle may be Registered for 1 to 10 years.
NOTE:Registration of a .ngo domain will result in the registration of a .ong domain as well and vice-versa.
A .NGO|.ONG domain bundle has a 4 day Money Back Grace Period.
The TLD that is input during domain registration will be marked as the ‘Primary Domain’ in the system.
NOTE:All actions pertaining to a domain name such as change of contact, NS modification etc., can only be performed on the ‘Primary Domain’
A .NGO|.ONG domain bundle is open for registrations to qualified Non-Governmental Organisations only. Registrants must meet Eligibility Requirements as well as complete a post-registration validation process.
NOTE:Post-Registration Validation: You will be provided with a Validation Link post-purchase of the domain. The domain bundle will be placed on serverLock until the post-registration validation process has been successfully completed. A Registrant has 360 days from the date of domain creation to complete the validation process. Failure to complete the process within the given time frame will result in the domain getting deleted and the registration amount being forfeit.
The Bulk Registration feature is not available for .NGO|.ONG domain bundles.
Upon registering a .NGO|.ONG domain bundle, you may not Transfer-Away from Think Technology Services, until 60 days.
.NGO|.ONG domain bundles do not support Internationalized Domain Names (IDN).
Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)
A .NGO|.ONG domain bundle may be Renewed for 1 to 10 years.
NOTE:Renewal of a .ngo domain will result in the renewal of a .ong domain as well and vice-versa
Upon Expiry of a .NGO|.ONG domain bundle:
any service such as email, website, etc., configured for this domain name would stop functioning, until the domain name is Renewed.
if the .NGO|.ONG domain bundle is not Renewed until 40 days, the domain name would get Deleted and would slip into Redemption Grace Period.
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Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)
Upon Transferring a .NGO|.ONG domain bundle, the domain bundle gets renewed by 1 year.
NOTE:Transfer of a .ngo domain will result in the transfer of a .ong domain as well and vice-versa
.NGO|.ONG domain bundles have a 60-Day Transfer Lock placed on them, after they are Transferred.
All .NGO|.ONG domain bundles have a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code.
The length of a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code may vary between 6 to 16 characters.
The Bulk Transfer feature is not available for .NGO|.ONG domain bundle.
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Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)
.NGO|.ONG domain bundles are available for registration to an individual from a qualified Non-Governmental Organisation.
.NGO|.ONG domain bundles use the General Contact database in the system.
.NGO|.ONG domain bundles use the following 4 Contacts:
- Registrant Contact
- Administrative Contact
- Technical Contact
- Billing Contact
NOTE:Modification of a contact for a .ngo domain will result in the modification of a contact for a .ong domain as well and vice-versa.
If the modification of the contact for the domain bundle entails a change of ownership, contact our Support Team at The Support Team will provide the Registrant with the new validation link to complete the change of ownership.
Contact fields do not support accented characters.
.NGO|.ONG domain bundles do not support Think Technology Services's Privacy Protection feature.
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The Bulk Modify and Bulk Privacy Protection features are not available for .NGO|.ONG domain bundles.
Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)
Each .NGO|.ONG domain bundles need to have at least 2 Name Servers and may have upto 13 Name Servers.
There is no limitation on the number of Child Name Servers you may create.
You may associate upto 13 IP Addresses per Child Name Server.
You may associate IPv6 Address in Child Name Servers.
You may modify both Name Servers as well as any Child Name Servers associated with your .NGO|.ONG domain bundle.
NOTE:Modification of Name Servers of a .ngo domain will result in the modification of Name Servers for the .ong domain as well and vice-versa
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